UFO Line

町道瓶ヶ森線 UFOライン(UFO Line)
Road in the Sky
"Road in the Sky" is located at the highest point in Shikoku.
The scenic driving route along the ridges of Kamegamori goes through the Ishizuchi Skyline, leading to the sacred Mt. Ishizuchi.
Address 高知県吾川郡いの町寺川(Teragawa, Ino Town, Agawa Gun, Kochi Prefecture, Japan)
Telephone Number 088-869-2115
Ino Town Office, Hongawa Branch, Industrial Construction Division
ClosedClosed during winter from late November to early April.
Remarks・Since the roads are narrow, please drive at a moderate speed and pay attention to oncoming traffic, including motorcycles, and bicycles.
・Waiting areas on the side of the road are not for parking. Please do not obstruct the passage of other vehicles when stopping for passing traffic. Also, please refrain from stopping for long periods of time.