
How to enjoy hanami–Japan’s centuries-old spring tradition

Happy March everybody! Around this time of year, people in Japan really start looking forward to experiencing the majesty of cherry blossoms. In fact, there is a centuries-old tradition that pretty much everybody practices during peak blooming season called hanami. It literally translates to ‘flower watching’, which is linked to having a picnic under glorious soft pink cherry trees. Here are a few tidbits you can keep in mind to enjoy this beloved spring tradition to the fullest!

Arrive early

Famous cherry blossom spots especially during peak season can get very crowded, so if you want to find a good spot, arrive early! Alternatively, you could spend your spring season here in the hidden gem of Kochi, and enjoy some of the most beautiful cherry blossom spots without the hassle of crowds

Do your research

Make sure wherever you plan to visit actually allows visitors to have a sit-down picnic. Some major parks don’t allow people to just sit anywhere (oftentimes to avoid congestion), so ensure you’ve done your research in advance.

Come prepared

Bring a tarp or other picnic blanket, as well as plenty of your favorite foods, snacks and drinks to enjoy. It’s most common to share the hanami experience with friends or family, but doing it solo is absolutely okay too!

Leave the place just as you found it

However you enjoy your hanami party, make sure to clean up accordingly, pick up any trash, etc. so that the next person can enjoy the beautiful space as much as you did!

Here in Kochi, we have numerous places where you can enjoy the beauty of cherry blossoms including the Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden (first photo by the wonderful Instagram user @bassetts.bouken), over 400-year-old Kochi Castle (second and fourth photos), retro Sakawa Town (third photo), and so many more

The Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden

Kochi Castle

Sakawa Town

Thank you again to Instagram user @bassetts.bouken for the stunning first photo! 

@bassetts.bouken: https://www.instagram.com/bassetts.bouken/
  • How to enjoy hanami–Japan’s centuries-old spring tradition

  • How to enjoy hanami–Japan’s centuries-old spring tradition

  • How to enjoy hanami–Japan’s centuries-old spring tradition