
Enjoy the ocean…from above and below!

The Tatsukushi Coast in Tosashimizu City is known for otherworldly geological rocks (that sci-fi fans will love), expansive coral reefs and of course…the retro Ashizuri Underwater Observation Tower! This area, situated at the southernmost tip of Kochi, may not be the easiest to access, but it’s well-worth the trip especially if you love nature and wish to see a wilder side of the Japanese countryside

After marveling at the ocean from above as you make your way to the Ashizuri Underwater Observation Tower, now it’s time to dive right in! Or, more like, go downstairs!

Descend the spiral staircase in the tower and gaze into the underwater world through one of the portholes. With some patience, you’ll surely be greeted by adorable marine creatures including porcupine fish, girella and even sea turtles if you’re lucky!

Since you’ve traveled all the way to Tosashimizu City…why not spend a couple of nights? Snow Peak Tosashimizu Campfield is just a 6-minute walk from the Ashizuri Underwater Observation Tower. This ocean-view campground was created by the popular Japanese outdoor company Snow Peak, which is known for minimalist, chic, and high-quality products

Besides the option of sleeping in tents, Tosashimizu Campfield offers 12 mobile houses, designed by none other than world-renowned architect, Kengo Kuma. These ""jyubako"" are representative of his signature style, utilizing wood in a sleek and modern way. Inside, you will find large windows, bed, table, chairs, air conditioner, mini fridge and other Snow Peak amenities to make your stay comfortable and easy

Ashizuri Underwater Observation Tower

Snow Peak Tosashimizu Campfield

If you love architecture, definitely visit Yusuhara Town, which is home to a range of buildings designed by Kengo Kuma: https://visitkochijapan.com/en/see-and-do/10029
  • Enjoy the ocean…from above and below!

  • Enjoy the ocean…from above and below!

  • Enjoy the ocean…from above and below!