
Magical waterfall and…dam-shaped curry? YEP

If you know a thing or two about Kochi, you might have thought the location of the first photo was Nikobuchi, which is the famous crystal-clear plunge pool located upstream on the Niyodo River. However, this is actually a hidden gem nestled among the mountains in Tosa Town. Welcome to Mitaru Gongen Waterfall

Fun fact! If you look at the water basin from above, it’s star-shaped! Just a little over an hour from Kochi City by car, I hope you come see it for yourself

Next stop…how about visiting the largest dam in Shikoku? Built in 1975, Sameura Dam stands at an impressive height of 106 meters and collaborates magnificently with over 2,000 cherry trees in the spring! Light-up events also take place three times a year, the closest being from around early to mid-August

After immersing yourself in the dynamic architecture of dams…how about devouring one in the form of delicious curry!?

Sameuraso Lakeside Hotel (only 5 minutes from Sameura Dam by car) offers this popular food item that often sells out so I highly recommend making a reservation in advance! The dish consists of structurally-sound, dam-shaped rice mixed with ground sesame seeds (to resemble cement), keeping the umami-rich curry on one side, and veggies as well as deep-fried Tosa Akaushi wagyu beef on the other. The slices of red and yellow bell peppers on the curry are meant to resemble canoes, which are available to rent at the nearby Sameura Canoe Terrace for a fun day activity! As you tackle the dish, the curry will start to ooze over to the other side, which is always a fun sight to witness no matter how old you are

If you have time to spend the night, definitely check out the chic hotel rooms, or sleep under the stars at the nearby campsite

Mitaru Gongen Waterfall

Sameura Dam

Sameuraso Lakeside Hotel

Thank you to Instagram user @hm1059_02 for the stunning shot of Mitaru Gongen Waterfall!

@hm1059_02: https://www.instagram.com/hm1059_02
  • Magical waterfall and…dam-shaped curry? YEP

  • Magical waterfall and…dam-shaped curry? YEP

  • Magical waterfall and…dam-shaped curry? YEP