
Welcome to “Kochi’s kitchen”!

Are you a foodie traveler? If so, Hirome Market is a must-visit, where you can enjoy many different Kochi dishes at the big shared tables, and maybe wash them down with some of Kochi’s smooth dry sake

Hirome Market is named after Shigeaki Hirome, a former chief retainer of the Tosa domain. He was a beloved and generous leader, which is why people kept on calling the area “Hirome's mansion” even after the building itself no longer stood! Now the area is making not only locals but also a lot of visitors happy, just like how Shigeaki Hirome used to make people feel

Learn more about Hirome Market here!: https://visitkochijapan.com/en/see-and-do/10024
  • Welcome to “Kochi’s kitchen”!

  • Welcome to “Kochi’s kitchen”!

  • Welcome to “Kochi’s kitchen”!