
Feel the calm at Kochi City’s ‘mirror’ river

The 31-km-long Kagami River runs through Kochi City, and is known for its clean water that reflects the cityscape (hence, its name ‘mirror river’). Here, you can enjoy a delightful afternoon stroll, fish for some local eel or sweetfish (yes, really!), spot a variety of wild birds (if you’re lucky!), and feel a beautiful sense of calm despite being at the heart of a bustling city

After exploring the must-visit 400-year-old Kochi Castle and perhaps savoring the region’s ultimate comfort food, katsuo no tataki (seared bonito) at Hirome Market, come sit by the river  at sunset and watch the hues of orange and pink bloom all around, both above you in the sky and below on the surface of the river

Check out the Horikawa Canal for another beautiful waterway in Kochi City: https://visitkochijapan.com/en/see-and-do/10049
  • Feel the calm at Kochi City’s ‘mirror’ river

  • Feel the calm at Kochi City’s ‘mirror’ river

  • Feel the calm at Kochi City’s ‘mirror’ river