
A fiery 500-year-old festival

Nope, this is not Kyoto! This dramatic, fiery character for "big" is lit up in Shimanto City during the annual Omoji no Okuribi.

However, the two traditions are linked, as it is said that an aristocrat who escaped during a war in Kyoto started this tradition in Shimanto. The festival has been kept alive for around 500 years since then!
The date changes every year due to the lunar calendar, but is usually around July. This year it was held on July 16th. 

If you ever visit Kochi during this season, don’t miss the once-a-year nighttime spectacular. Enjoy the festival with locals and feel the nostalgic vibes of this summer celebration that has endured throughout the ages

about 25 minutes from Nakamura Station (Shimanto City center) by bus and foot
676 Fukaki, Shimanto, Kochi 787-0159

Learn more about the Shimanto River area here!: https://visitkochijapan.com/en/highlights/shimantoriver
  • A fiery 500-year-old festival

  • A fiery 500-year-old festival

  • A fiery 500-year-old festival