
Kochi Castle

Happy new year! 
Our first posting for the new year is Kochi Castle, the symbol of Kochi Prefecture.  Boasting a history of 400 years, it is the only castle in Japan that has all the original castle towers and main keep. 
From the top floor of the castle tower, you can enjoy a wide panorama view overlooking Kochi City.  It's awesome being able to view from such a special place where in days of old only feudal lords were allowed to enter! 
And here's some great info for anyone currently near Kochi Castle!  Today, on January 1, the entrance to the castle will be free from 9:00 to a final admission time of 16:30!  So, start your year at Kochi Castle!
"TeamLab: Digitized Kochi Castle", a beautiful collaboration of "light" and "castle," will be held every day until January 13. Additionally, Kochi Castle is a famous spot in Kochi Prefecture to enjoy the cherry blossoms from late March to early April.

  • Kochi Castle

  • Kochi Castle

  • Kochi Castle