
An old samurai town with timeless wonder

Located under an hour from Kochi Station by train, Aki is a former castle town where old ruins and traditional samurai houses still remain. Home to bamboo hedges, thick stone walls, white plaster buildings, thatched roofs and more, Aki has a way of taking you back centuries while also maintaining a timeless feel. The retro Nora Dokei (field clock) is another architectural gem worth visiting when you’re in town

Speaking of architectural gems, Kochi-no-ya is a 80-year-old house that has been renovated into a dreamy hostel. Located just 8 minutes from Aki Station on foot, it beautifully blends traditional Japanese and modern architectural styles, featuring a main building, annex and three gardens

Azumi Sento is the delightful owner and native of Aki City who is dedicated to offering guests an authentic experience of daily life in eastern Kochi. I’m sure she will be happy to share insight into the local culture, history, and community, as well as recommend some of the best iconic and hidden gems to check out during your stay

One of the hidden spots she may very well mention (especially suited for nature-lovers) is Ioki Cave! Take the train to one stop east of Aki Station, walk just 7 minutes and voila! You’ve arrived at an otherworldly site of rocky walls embedded with fossilized shells and covered with more than 40 species of ferns!

Last but not least, chirimen-don is the local specialty you have to try! A bowl of fluffy rice topped with a generous amount of tiny sardines and other ingredients like grated daikon radish, chopped spring onions and umami-rich sauce

Aki City

Hostel Kochi-no-ya

Ioki Cave

Special thanks to @Hostel東風ノ家(kochi-no-ya)and Instagram user @kaji_nori06 for the photos! 

@kaji_nori06: https://www.instagram.com/kaji_nori06/
  • An old samurai town with timeless wonder

  • An old samurai town with timeless wonder

  • An old samurai town with timeless wonder