
The perfect countryside getaway

If you wish to experience the beautiful Japanese countryside (highly recommended) without traveling too far from Kochi City, Tosa Town might be the perfect option for you. Located only about an hour from Kochi City by car, it would also make for an excellent day trip!

First stop…Takasu rice terrace! If you’re looking for a sight that captures rural Japan perhaps at its most quintessential, definitely pay this place a visit. At an altitude of up to 600 meters, rice fields follow the natural contours of mountains like steps in an epic staircase. From pools of calm water that reflect the expansive sky during rice-planting season to golden stalks ready for harvest in autumn, rice terraces look completely different depending on the time of year, which makes it such an exciting place where new discoveries and surprises await

Second stop…Sameura BBQ Terrace for lunch! Here, you can grill your own Tosa Akaushi beef, which is only produced in Kochi and limited to only about 500 cattle per year! Nicknamed the “miracle” wagyu, it’s said to have two to four times the umami and sweetness of the more common black-haired variety

Third and final stop…Sameura Canoe Terrace! Whether you're experienced or not, anyone can enjoy canoeing or standup paddleboarding (SUP) along the calm waters of Sameura Lake. If you’re staying in the area overnight, you could check out options in the camping area or the cozy and stylish guest rooms at Sameuraso Lakeside Hotel✨

Takasu rice terrace

Sameura BBQ Terrace

Sameura Canoe Terrace

Learn more about Tosa Akaushi beef: https://visitkochijapan.com/en/taste-of-kochi/meats
  • The perfect countryside getaway

  • The perfect countryside getaway

  • The perfect countryside getaway