
Cherry blossom views from above and below

Taking a stroll or having a picnic under the cherry trees around Kochi Castle are some of my favorite spring activities. The fleeting nature of the cherry blossoms, combined with appreciation for warm sunshine after the winter months makes it easy to take a few precious pauses to savor the present moment

There are more than 200 cherry trees across the castle grounds, which means you have a good chance of finding your own to sit under. It’s always exciting though, as I cross my fingers and walk over to see whether the cherry trees with the iconic view of the castle are available. Most of the time, another early bird has managed to claim the spot but today is my lucky day. After taking some photos of the cherry blossoms collaborating with the 400-year-old castle keep, I sit in peace

After feeling totally fulfilled, I decided to enter and climb up the castle to enjoy another perspective of the cherry blossoms. As I make my way up the stairs, I read the various plaques and observe the display cases that cover the history and architectural details of the castle. Now, we've made it to the top, and my first impression is…WOW. I love how the soft pink cherry trees add so much color to the castle grounds and expansive view of the city. Being able to appreciate everything from the details of the castle roof up close, to the mountains in the distance, I immerse myself fully to Kochi’s incredible spring landscape

Learn more about Kochi Castle: https://visitkochijapan.com/en/see-and-do/10009
  • Cherry blossom views from above and below

  • Cherry blossom views from above and below

  • Cherry blossom views from above and below