
Experience Kochi’s most exciting summer festival all-year-round

Located in the heart of Kochi City is the Kochi Yosakoi Information Exchange Center, where you can learn all about Kochi's iconic dance!

The Yosakoi Festival is a beloved summer event, and now the yosakoi dance has spread all across Japan and the globe, with its bright costumes, energetic moves and diverse range of music. Regardless of age, skill level or nationality, anyone who picks up the traditional wooden clappers called naruko is part of the yosakoi family. Not only is this festival simply so much fun, it is also the perfect reflection of Kochi’s inclusive, passionate, wild and purely irresistible personality

At the center you can learn all about the evolution of this festival over its nearly 70-year history, decorate your own one-of-a-kind naruko clappers, try on some colorful costumes, and even dance

Read more about the Kochi Yosakoi Information Exchange Center here: https://visitkochijapan.com/en/see-and-do/10021
  • Experience Kochi’s most exciting summer festival all-year-round

  • Experience Kochi’s most exciting summer festival all-year-round

  • Experience Kochi’s most exciting summer festival all-year-round