
Shikoku Pilgrimage and Chikurin-ji Temple

Shikoku Pilgrimage and Chikurin-ji Temple 

If you live in Shikoku, you probably may have already heard about Shikoku O-henro (the Pilgrimage to 88 Sacred Places). Based on the belief that the founder of Shingon Buddhism spent time at most of these sacred places, this pilgrimage is made by hundreds of thousands of people from all around the world by bus, car, bicycle and on foot. The main purpose of this spiritual journey is to take a break from daily life and connect with nature. 

Chikurin-ji Temple, located in Kochi, is part of the Shikoku O-henro. Its impressive gardens change colors over seasons, from a green tunnel created by the combination of moss and leaves in summer, to a palette of red and yellow tones in autumn. 

If you decide to make the Shikoku Pilgrimage someday, don't forget to stop by Chikurin-ji Temple! 
  • Shikoku Pilgrimage and Chikurin-ji Temple