

Everybody knows Sushi but what about steamed Sushi?

Called "Mushizushi" in Japanese, it is quite different from the well-known Sushi, but equally delicious. 
The first peculiarity is that its rice is mixed with brown sugar and boiled Shiitake mushrooms! 

This warm Sushi originally from Kansai became popular in Kochi, were the Tosa's Mushizushi tradition was born. 
It was especially made to warm up the body during the cold winter but now it is served all year round! 

To help you having an idea of what Mushizushi is, Tosa's traditional sushi restaurant "Sushiryu" shared with us some pictures! 
You can try steamed Sushi there, and in many other restaurants of the prefecture as well! 

We cannot wait to know your opinion about this different kind of Sushi! 
  • Mushizushi