

Kinmedai, the Golden Eye Snapper.

Kinmedai is a red-skinned, deep sea fish known in English as “golden eye snapper” or “splendid alfonsino”. Muroto city in Kochi is famous for kinmedai, especially during the late spring or early summer, when the fish’s white flesh is the most plump and juicy.

Kinmedai’s delicate, yet savory flavor lends it nicely to a variety of preparation methods. Whether you like your fish steamed, grilled, or served fresh as sashimi, you’ll find plenty of restaurants in Muroto city where you can enjoy kinmedai. If you decide to order a kinmedai rice bowl ("kinme-don") with soup stock also made from kinmedai on the side, try the Kochi custom! After enjoying half of your serving of kinmedai, pour soup stock made from the fish over the remaining half. One bite and your eyes will be sure to grow as large as the kinmedai’s!

  • Kinmedai