
Konatsu citrus

Konatsu citrus, one of Kochi's unique fruits
If you want to know more about Kochi's gastronomy, let us introduce one of the tastiest citrus fruits in Japan to you: Konatsu citrus! 

It is a unique hybrid fruit that grows on evergreen trees in Kochi's countryside. From 8 to 10 centimeters in diameter, it is usually consumed with sugar or added to dressings, marinades or flavor sauces for a rich and authentic taste. It can be found in supermarkets, and it is a popular souvenir of the prefecture. It is not only an excellent source of vitamins A and C, but also a very tasty and sweet fruit.

These are illustrations that can give you an idea of how delicious it is.

How would you like to taste Konatsu citrus? Would you prefer tasting the fruit directly, juice it, or taste a cake with its flavor?

  • Konatsu citrus