
This hidden gorge is over 300 million years in the making!

It may still be chilly outside, but perhaps that’s all the more reason to explore the great outdoors! Cool temperatures not only mean that there are less people along the trails, but also, the famous Niyodo River is at its clearest (due to even fewer impurities in the water than warmer months)

Nakatsu Gorge is believed to have formed over 300 million years ago due to shifting tectonic plates, and the 2.3-kilometer path is easy to follow and enjoyable for all–from families and geology lovers to experienced hikers! The path takes you over little bridges and stepping stones along the emerald stream (tributary of the Niyodo River) with the jolly stone statues of the shichifukujin (Seven Gods of Fortune) dotted along the way. At the end of the path awaits the spectacular Uryu no Taki waterfall

Nakatsu Gorge
About an hour and 10 minutes from Kochi City by car

Special thanks to Instagram user @twistleton for the majestic first photo!

@twistleton: https://www.instagram.com/twistleton/
  • This hidden gorge is over 300 million years in the making!

  • This hidden gorge is over 300 million years in the making!

  • This hidden gorge is over 300 million years in the making!