
Majestic shrine, an adorable mascot and hearty noodles

Located approximately 50 minutes from Kochi City by car, Susaki City is a great day-trip destination. First, I would like to introduce a spiritual spot I like to call the “eco-friendly seaside shrine”. Indeed, Otonashi Shrine faces the beautiful Uranouchi Bay, and you can release the omikuji (fortune-telling slip) straight in the water because it is made of a special dissolvable paper! This shrine is also known for its power to bring good fortune to relationships

Second, we cannot introduce Susaki City without mentioning its adorable mascot…Shinjo-kun! If you didn’t know, every prefecture in Japan (as well as many towns and cities) have an official mascot that often encapsulates its unique geography, food culture, history and more. Susaki’s representative character is Shinjo-kun–a now-extinct river otter that was last sighted in the area who helps promote the region’s charm while staying hopeful that he will one day reunite with his fellow otter friends! The design of his distinctive hat is based on the local signature dish called nabeyaki ramen, which is typically made with chicken, green onions, and chikuwa (Japanese fish cake), topped with a raw egg in the middle. YUM

Last but not least, stop by the relatively newly-opened Susaki Tairyodo with its retro, traditional and festive architecture (fun fact: the building used to be a bank)! Don’t miss the specialty double curry–one showcasing the rich flavors of Shimanto pork cooked with more than 20 different spices, as well as the other, using locally-caught red sea bream✨

Otonashi Shrine

Susaki Tairyodo

Special thanks to Instagram user @238fumiya_photo_ for the stunning first shot!

@238fumiya_photo_: https://www.instagram.com/238fumiya_photo_/
  • Majestic shrine, an adorable mascot and hearty noodles

  • Majestic shrine, an adorable mascot and hearty noodles

  • Majestic shrine, an adorable mascot and hearty noodles