
We are Kochi-ke: Masami Muramatsu

✨We are Kochi-ke: Masami Muramatsu✨
☀️The love language of Tosashimizu City☀️
“I feel like my life started when I moved to Kochi in my mid-30s. When I was in Tokyo, I couldn’t make time to cook, look after the house or take care of myself because I was too busy. Go to the office, come home, sleep, go back to work the next morning, and repeat. My body couldn’t handle the fatigue and I eventually got shingles, which is a kind of rash. I had to rethink the way I lived, and that’s when I learned that wild nature, and especially seawater can be healing remedies. So, I quit my job, looked for somewhere near the ocean that I never visited, and ended up in a remote place I would eventually call my forever home. That was Tosashimizu City.”
“At the time, my plan was temporary. I thought I would work at a traditional ryokan inn for just two or three months, but this coastal city at the southernmost point of Kochi, captured my heart in every single way. I loved the food, I loved the nature, and I loved the people. I particularly remember when locals invited me to help make organic golden cane sugar, which uses very old, traditional techniques, all by hand. It was so exciting to see the locals heat the cane sugar syrup in huge barrels using firewood, and masterfully monitor temperatures without any devices; only their skilled intuition. That was the first time I felt…this is real Japan.”
“Everything was such a pure contrast to my life in Tokyo, in ways that felt like I was learning a completely new language. Like when I first moved here, my sweet 70-year-old neighbor welcomed me with lots of homemade food and vegetables from her garden. So, naturally, I bought souvenirs when I traveled out of town, because I thought it was the proper way to answer the silent expectation of giving something back. But soon, I realized that wasn’t the case at all. Besides her simply not expecting anything in return, I saw why a store-bought, perfectly machine-wrapped souvenir just didn’t fit into the lifestyle here that revolved so much around…heart.”
“So, instead of buying from stores, I started cooking her homegrown veggies to express my gratitude. Her fisherman husband would also kindly bring fresh bycatch, so I would try traditional cooking methods of the area, like grilling in miso, vinegar, sumikan (citrus fruits like yuzu), and a little golden cane sugar. Even now, I bring them homemade food using their ingredients, and together, we simply share in the joy of nature’s blessings. Over time, I learned that’s the kind of love language spoken here in Tosashimizu City.”
“So, before I knew it, my temporary plan to stay had become a permanent one, especially now as I share this countryside life with my partner, and excitedly await our baby on the way.”
“Through my English tours, I hope to show the local lifestyle that has existed here for generations. Family-like intimacy with neighbors, connection with the rhythm of the seasons, traditional crafts built on skills passed on from generation to generation…I think these are all aspects of life here that reflect the very roots of Japanese culture.”
“Tourism is often based on the idea of ‘escaping reality’, in terms of doing something extravagant or luxurious that is ‘not’ daily life. But I like to think it’s all about experiencing a ‘different’ daily life. For me, learning a new definition of “normal” that is completely different from mine depending on where I am in the world is the ultimate way to open my mind. Those are the moments I really feel how big the earth is. So, one day, I hope you come witness the extraordinary “normal” life in Tosashimizu City and let me translate its love language to you.”
“We are Kochi-ke (Kochi family)” is all about highlighting the stories of the people who make us proud to call Kochi our home. Whether you are living in Kochi now or have only visited once, you are part of the Kochi family????
If you’re ever in Tosashimizu City, definitely book a tour with @masami muramatsu (taviexsavie@gmail.com) for a deep insight into the local culture, history, community, nature and more????

Tosashimizu City is home to the dynamic Cape Ashizuri. Learn more: https://visitkochijapan.com/en/see-and-do/10033
  • We are Kochi-ke: Masami Muramatsu

  • We are Kochi-ke: Masami Muramatsu

  • We are Kochi-ke: Masami Muramatsu