
Cherry blossoms, canola and peach flowers…all at once!

At Konan City’s Nishigawa Flower Park in eastern Kochi, you can enjoy views of soft pink cherry blossoms, bright yellow canola flowers and deep pink peach flowers collaborating magnificently across the mountainside

What’s particularly fun about this park is that you will find some props, like a broomstick and small jumping step, so you can capture a shot of you “flying” over the flower field like a witch or wizard!

During the Nishigawa Flower Festival held every March, you can also enjoy a variety of foods, like cherry blossom-flavored sweet mochi dumplings and special udon noodles cooked with canola flowers gathered directly from the park!

Learn more about Kochi's flower-filled spots: https://visitkochijapan.com/en/highlights/Flowers
  • Cherry blossoms, canola and peach flowers…all at once!

  • Cherry blossoms, canola and peach flowers…all at once!

  • Cherry blossoms, canola and peach flowers…all at once!