By Rail

Okayama Airport-Kochi Station

  • Okayama Airport

  • Airport limousine bus

    About 30 min

  • Okayama Station

  • Limited Express Nanpu

    About 2 hr 35 min

  • Kochi Station

Okayama Station-Kochi Station

  • Okayama Station

  • Limited Express Nanpu

    About 2 hr 35 min

  • Kochi Station

By Expressway Bus

Okayama Station West Exit-Kochi Station Bus Terminal

  • Okayama Station West Exit

  • Ryoma Express

    About 2 hr 20 min

  • Kochi Station Bus Terminal

Useful access information

Kochi City Tourist Bus(MY-YU BUS)

Starting from JR Kochi Station, this sightseeing bus tour travels around to major attractions in Kochi City, like Harimaya Bridge, Makino Botanical Garden, Katsurahama Beach etc.
By showing your MY-YU Bus ticket, you can ride the tram(Within flat-rate area) for free, and also receive discounted entry to some of the attractions!


This is a special bus pass available only for foreigners visiting Japan on a short stay. The bus pass allows unlimited rides on buses to visit Ashizuri Uwakai National Park and the Shimanto River to fully enjoy the great landscape of the park and the healing power of the clear stream.