
Explore the scenic Monobe River by bike

Cycling lets you see places with new eyes and gives you the freedom of getting around the sights quicker than by foot. It’s eco-friendly, beneficial for your health, and everyone from kids to older visitors can enjoy it! So, where is the perfect spot to go cycling in Kochi? One of our recommendations is along the Monobe River

The Monobe River is a 71km-long, deep green river located in the mid-east of Kochi. There are rice fields, vegetable gardens, and the beautiful Befu Gorge upstream. There are many unique cafes along the river so you can take coffee breaks every 5 km if you want!

The Monobe River Hokugan Route is perfect for casual cyclists. On this 11 km long course, you can enjoy the retro-countryside vibes with cute houses and just a handful of traffic lights (city cyclists rejoice!)

The route info is here!: https://kochi-cycling.com/gcourse/%E3%82%82%E3%81%AE%E3%81%B9%E5%B7%9D%E5%8C%97%E5%B2%B8%E3%82%B3%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9/

Monobe Hikyou Rindo Route is for more experienced cyclers, with a 105 km (~7 hour) long route with uphills and beautiful scenery of the Befu Gorge, follwed by a nice long gentle downhill surrounded by the view of the valley. The route info is here!: https://www.bikemap.net/en/r/5638829

You can also rent a bike for 1100 yen between 11:00-16:00 (helmet/gloves included): https://visitkochijapan.com/en/activities/10119
  • Explore the scenic Monobe River by bike

  • Explore the scenic Monobe River by bike

  • Explore the scenic Monobe River by bike