
We are Kochi-ke: Jesse and Mika (& Pan)

Lessons from akiya renovations, rural living, and…critters!​​

“For Jesse and I (@Maigo Mika), one of the most compelling reasons for seeking life in one of these akiya (empty, vacant or abandoned) houses was to experience the challenges of renovating the house. Replacing a rotting beam on the engawa (balcony), repairing the shoji (paper screen doors), and upgrading our toilet to a water-flush outhouse have all been exciting challenges and valuable insights into Japanese house restoration. It is a fun and fulfilling process to make our akiya–that sat empty for seven years prior to us moving in–feel more inviting and homely.”

“In the past year since moving to rural Japan, we’ve learned to appreciate the slower pace of living and endless opportunities for outdoor activities especially here in Kochi–home to some of Japan’s most beautiful rivers, rugged mountain terrain, and the Pacific Ocean. Also, since there are no restaurants, cafes, or bars nearby, we often have dinners and hangouts with our closest neighbors at home. We’ve started gardening too, with friendly neighbors always nearby to lend a helpful hand. Last year, we exchanged our ume (plums) and persimmons with their homegrown vegetables! We’ve learned that being part of a community is all about this continuous cycle of giving and receiving.” 

“Last but not least, living in an old house like ours means accepting the critters that make themselves at home. We consider ourselves renters of this house, but we share it with many who have lived here long before we arrived. The huntsman spiders that once frightened us are now a regular part of our surroundings. It may be hard to believe, but we have grown fond of them, proving even the scariest things lose their edge with enough time!”

“We are Kochi-ke (Kochi family)” is all about highlighting the stories of the people who make us proud to call Kochi our home. Whether you are living in Kochi now or have only visited once, you are part of the Kochi family

Whether you're simply curious about what it's like to live in the Japanese countryside, or dreaming of one day renovating your own affordable akiya house, definitely check out Mika's YouTube channel and other media (linked below)!

@Maigo Mika
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@maigomika
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maigomika
Blog: https://www.maigomika.com/blog/
  • We are Kochi-ke: Jesse and Mika (& Pan)

  • We are Kochi-ke: Jesse and Mika (& Pan)

  • We are Kochi-ke: Jesse and Mika (& Pan)