
The majestic beauty of rain

The rainy season is upon us, and although some may feel gloomy from the dimmer days and heavy clouds, I find it an opportunity to appreciate my favorite Kochi spots in a new way????

On this particular rainy day, I visited Chikurin-ji Temple in Kochi City, where I found a renewed sense of calm, serenity, grace, and mystique. The crystal raindrops made the leaves glisten gorgeously and the earthy aroma washed away my worries☔️

With greater tenderness in my heart, I smiled as I saw the kongorikishi statues at the main gate who looked like they were taking shelter together from the pouring rain. Their expressions always came across angry and intimidating, but somehow they looked a little more gentle that day????

After Chikurin-ji Temple, I visited Makino Botanical Garden just a few minutes away by foot. When I saw the diverse flowers and trees looking so lush and happy after several hot, sunny days, I understood why some of the staff say they love the garden most on rainy days????

Learn more about Chikurin-ji Temple: https://visitkochijapan.com/en/see-and-do/10056
  • The majestic beauty of rain

  • The majestic beauty of rain

  • The majestic beauty of rain