
Welcome to a fantasy world by the Shimanto River

Have you ever dreamed of diving into an ocean of flowers? Just like in an animated film, looking up at the sky through colorful flowers? At Nyuta Willow Forest, your flowery dreams can come true

Those canola flowers bloom from February to March, filling the area with a pretty vivid yellow. You can bring your lunch and have a picnic by the river, do a magical photoshoot, or even join the Nanohana Festival which takes place in March every year

One fun fact about this place is that the canola flowers were not planted but they just appeared as people maintained the area! People took down some trees and weeded the area to help sweetfish lay eggs. As the ground got exposed to the sunshine, a 4km-long canola field just magically appeared from nowhere. Those flowers might be a thank you gift from nature to the people who treated it respectfully

Learn more bout Shimanto River here!: https://visitkochijapan.com/en/highlights/shimantoriver
  • Welcome to a fantasy world by the Shimanto River

  • Welcome to a fantasy world by the Shimanto River

  • Welcome to a fantasy world by the Shimanto River