Yairo Tei

やいろ亭(Yairo Tei)
One of the most popular katsuo no tataki (seared bonito) places in town!
Even among locals who have eaten many slices of katsuo no tataki (lightly seared bonito), this restaurant is highly rated. The restaurant actually writes up the condition of the day’s catch (such as whether the catch is more oily or leaner) and recommends how best to eat it.
Address 高知県高知市帯屋町2-3-1 ひろめ市場内
Telephone Number 088-871-3434
OpenMon to Sat: 11:30-22:00
Sun: 10:30-21:00
ClosedAt the discretion of Hirome Market
Map Code73 184 797*88
Remarks・220 car spaces (Hirome Ichiba Parking)