Uogashira Daikuma

魚頭 大熊(Uogashira Daikuma)
The freshest katsuo (bonito) in a bright and airy restaurant!
Directly run by a fishing company, you can be sure that you’re getting generous portions of the best cuts of fish! The recommended way to eat it is with just a bit of salt to better appreciate the wonderful flavor.
Address 高知県高知市廿代町4-9 メトロポリタンビル1F・2F
Telephone Number 088-802-2177
Open1F 17:00-23:00 (last order 22:30)
2F 17:00-22:00 (last order 21:30)
ClosedSundays (except when a public holiday)
Map Code73 215 154*77
Remarks・Parking not available