Hashimoto Shokudo

橋本食堂(Hashimoto Shokudo)
A popular place to try local dish nabeyaki ramen!
Eat delicious ramen straight from an earthenware hotpot. The combination of the chicken and soy sauce-based broth and thin ramen noodles is perfection! Don’t let that mouthwateringly good broth go to waste either. Once you’ve finished your ramen, put some rice into the leftover broth and enjoy.
Address 高知県須崎市横町4-19(4-19, Yokomachi, Susaki City, Kochi Prefecture, Japan)
Telephone Number 0889-42-2201
Open11:00-15:00 (last order 14:50)
ClosedSundays & public holidays
Map Code181 184 370*25
Remarks・14 car spaces